Refleksi – Excerpt from Margaret McKerchar’s book

Ada satu paragraf dari buku Professor Margaret McKerchar yang menarik untuk direnungkan, khususnya bagi mereka yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke jenjang riset (doktoral). Beliau adalah Head of School dari Australian School of Taxation (sekarang Australian School of Business), University of New South Wales. Buku beliau yang memuat paragraf tersebut bertitel: Design and conduct of research in tax, law and accounting. Buku ini secara umum merupakan panduan bagi mereka yang ingin melakukan riset di bidang perpajakan, hukum, dan akuntansi. Saya berterima kasih kepada sahabat,rekan seperjuangan, dan kolega saya, mas Arifin Rosid, yang merekomendasikan buku ini untuk dibaca sebelum melakukan riset. Berikut paragraf yang saya kutip dari buku Professor Margaret McKerchar dimaksud:

“There is sometimes a misconception that where you already have a number of degrees and qualifications, a research degree is simply the next step in a natural progression. Some people regard themselves as being highly intelligent and set great store on this being publicly acknowledged, to the extent that they almost believe they “deserve” a doctorate. However, it is rare that undergraduate or postgraduate coursework programs prepare people to successfully undertake research degrees. Consequently, many very intelligent people have been unable to complete their degrees by research. Success as a researcher is not about intelligence or deserved recognition, it is about being able to focus, to commit, to listen, to reflect, to accept and benefit from constructive criticism, to be self-motivated, to be willing to learn, to grow, and above all, to have the capacity to work long and hard. It is an incredible, all-consuming and completely life-changing journey. Be prepared to start from humble beginnings and embark on this part of your life with your eyes wide open. There is no need to rush into this undertaking: think about it long and hard beforehand. It will not happen overnight – and not without careful planning and many sacrifices. Be realistic in your expectations and do not lose sight of what you seek to achieve.”

halaman 18

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