Interesting and enlightening videos

Below are some interesting and enlightening videos (respective publishers and authors are the copyright owner).

Lesley Hazleton: The doubt essential to faith (from TED):

(Catatan: Lesley Hazleton adalah penulis biografi tentang Nabi Muhammad SAW. Hazleton sendiri senantiasa menyebut dirinya sebagai seorang agnostic alias orang yang tidak percaya pada keberadaan Tuhan. Hazleton merupakan seorang penentang pendudukan Israel atas Tanah Palestina)

Lesley Hazleton: On reading the Koran (from TED):

Karen Armstrong:  “My wish: The Charter for Compassion” (from TED)


The most popular talks of all time (from TED):

Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs memory (from TED):

The complexity of memory (from TED):

How your mind works, with Daniel Kahneman (from youtube):

A reading list in behavioral science from Alex Laskey (from TED):

A reading list in behavioral science, from speaker Alex Laskey



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